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What's an applicant tracking system?

The Applicant Tracking System is a tool that allows companies to effectively manage candidates who apply within their company. An ATS offers its users several features aimed at optimizing the day-to-day operations of a recruiter. Whether we are talking about automation of job posting, monitoring of various hiring campaigns or even organization of communications, the candidate management system takes care of all the intrusive formalities associated with the job hiring. In other words, ATS is a virtual assistant designed to simplify your life!

Why SysteMynJobs?


Make your recruitment profitable by harmonizing your different recruitment stages, while offering your employees a system that simplifies their lives and increases their productivity.


Reduce the time spent by your managers dealing with the different stages of your recruiting process by reorganizing and automating certain operations as well as by gathering and storing all the information in one place.


Whether they are in teams or alone, your recruiters have advantages to work with SysteMynJobs in order to optimize and shorten their recurring tasks.


Give your candidates the most extraordinary application and hiring experience. Simplify their life and thus benefit from a better brand image.

Satisfaction Client

The mix between our quality system, the team integrity and the security of your data provides our clients with a stress-free and trusting environment. Mixed with careful listening to the real needs of recruiters, we inevitably aim for customer satisfaction.

Customer Training

In order to allow our customers to get the most out of SysteMynJobs, we offer a full range of training on the use of the system and its various modules.


Built in such a way as to make its use simple, the SysteMynJobs offers a most pleasant user experience, both for the recruiter and for the candidate.

Technical Assistance

Provided by a warm and understanding team, the technical assistance of SysteMynJobs is fast and friendly.


Whether you choose SysteMynJobs as your first ATS or as a replacement for an old system, integration is quick and easy.


The solution that meets your expectations!

More than just a system

SysteMynJobs is the collaboration between years of recruiting experience, the efficiency of an optimized ATS and the real intention to meet your needs. We offer you a suitable, efficient and profitable solution.

Continuous improvement

Embedded in our habits, continuous improvement is part of the company's decision-making process. As a company working in technology, we are dedicated to using the tools at our disposal to offer a solution adapted for today.

Listening assistance

Choosing SysteMynJobs also means choosing a team dedicated to helping you. Whether it is through access to the advice of an experienced team, the speed to receive technical assistance or immediate help thanks to explanatory capsules, you will be the center of our interests.

Our expertise

It is thanks to years of experience in recruiting, the expertise of the team and our determination that we have been able to create a remarkable system accompanied by impeccable service.

What sets us apart

What better way to understand your difficulties than someone who has lived through the same problems for years? Indeed, the SysteMynJobs team is made up of people accumulating more than 20 years of experience in recruitment. We have experienced your problems, which is why you can count on us to overcome them.

Tailored to your needs

SysteMynJobs meets the needs of all businesses! Whether you are an SME that has never used ATS before or a large company looking to improve their hiring process: we are the solution.

The Idea

Born from a passion for recruitment, the SysteMynJobs is the culmination of more than 20 years of experience in the field. We have set up an ATS to meet the growing need for recruitment of various companies. Designed to help the various recruiting managers, the SysteMynJobs came into being in 2017. Since that time, we have been working to become the benchmark in recruiting. To do so, we adhere to a code of conduct promoting customer satisfaction, efficiency and professionalism.

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